Roaming charges

美 [ˈroʊmɪŋ ˈtʃɑːrdʒɪz]英 [ˈrəʊmɪŋ ˈtʃɑːdʒɪz]
  • 网络漫游费
Roaming chargesRoaming charges
  1. The customers were relieved when the two mobile operators hammered out a new agreement to cut roaming charges .


  2. The European Court of Justice today upheld the decision to cap cellphone roaming charges across the EU .


  3. Imagine using your mobile phone and then being hammered for border roaming charges without leaving your home . That 's what happens daily for residents near regional borders .


  4. Ending roaming charges by fiat will probably result in operators threatening to cut investment .


  5. The proposal is seeking to spur competition among providers and put new caps on roaming charges .


  6. This month , the European parliament voted to end roaming charges entirely by 2016 .


  7. If this is so , roaming charges can be eliminated in disguise .


  8. Since July , they have stopped selling service packages that include domestic roaming charges on cross-province phone calls .


  9. China 's major telecom operators have announced plans to cancel domestic roaming charges as they are instead turning to 4G services as a major source of profit .


  10. For users of the service , charges will appear on their normal mobile phone bill at rates set by their operator , which are similar to overseas roaming charges .


  11. More and more people are beginning to go online on their mobiles , but telecom companies are warning users to be cautious because data service roaming charges could be very high .


  12. The result , she says , is less dry talk about " better regulation ", and more crowd-pleasing consumer initiatives , such as bullying mobile-telephone companies to lower roaming charges .


  13. With the rapid development of economic globalization , more and more business men choose to go abroad for their business extension . However , when they are on business , they are faced with the high cost of international roaming charges .


  14. Well , apparently Uchimura didn 't get the memo that there are no Pok é mon to be caught in Rio , which means the gymnast must 've been walking around building up crazy roaming charges , all while never catching anything .


  15. Get a cell phone plan that does not charge " roaming " charges .
